Episode 10: Numerical Sounds
A podcast series by Francesco Fusaro
Catalogs & Podcasts Promenades — a podcast series by Francesco Fusaro
20 Min
In the final instalment of ‘Promenades,’ musicologist Francesco Fusaro guides listeners through the fascinating intersection of mathematics and music in ‘Numerical Sounds.’ Delve into how composers such as Sebastiano De Gennaro, Iannis Xenakis, and Robert Schneider integrate mathematical principles into their compositions. This episode interlaces discussions with references to texts by Enrico Fubini, Toby Heys, and Fabio Punzo, providing a deeper understanding of the unique relationship between numerical theory and musical artistry.
● Track List:
○ Sebastiano De Gennaro, Lo Shu
○ Iannis Xenakis, Metastaseis (Perf. Arturo Tamayo, Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI di Torino)
○ Erik Satie, Trois Sonneries De La Rose+Croix: Air de L’ordre (Perf. Klara Kormendi)
○ György Ligeti, Poème Symphonique for 100 Metronomes (Perf. Frangoise Terrioux)
○ Robert Schneider – Reverie in Prime Time Signatures (Perf. Christine Han, Emma Schmiedecke, Camilo Davila, Chris James)